Meet the Robots

They may be the smallest in the bunch, but they packs quite a bit of cuteness to make up for it! Why use "they" as a pronoun? Because Squeaker is non-binary. 😉
Teeter Tot
Only one wheel is all he needs to zip around the world. Teeter tot is ready for speedy action with his careful balance, although he does sometimes fall over for no reason whatsoever.

Go Go 4-40
Woah did you see that? Nope. Because that was Go Go 4-40, the fastest bot in the land. Half robot, half amazing, his prosthetic legs propel him around in a blur. Some say he can even run on water...
It doesn't take a lot of wing work for Flappybat to get around. Because it has a jet strapped to its back. Seriously, the powered propulsion makes for one lazy robot. There is a general malaise about Flappybat. Drifting through the air without anything to do. It's probably much easier for Flappybat to avoid green pipes, though, than some of its brethren.

Dinner is served. Your chariot awaits. Your linens are pressed. These are a few of the things you'll hear coming out of Scoots as it glides from room to room. The previous generation of butler bots used normal legs. Not sure whose idea that was. Now Scoots can deliver you a fifteen-course meal mere moments after fetching your cricketwear.
No one knows where the Extremely Vicious Inciscors and Limbs #1 came from, but he's certainly lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce on unsuspecting robots. Obviously his bite is much worse than his bark, but that's because he's not a dog and doesn't bark. Some say he grafted the extra arms on after a canning accident at the soda factory left him limbless.

Da dum. Da dum. Da da da da da da da da da da da dadleideeeee! FIN-5000 was designed and built for stealth missions deep under the sea. Luckily it doesn't have a freakin' laser beam attached to his head. And hopefully there won't be any sudden weather systems that might pick it up, you know, like a tornado.
This meowserbot likes to spend a lot of Quality Time with its owner. Sitting on laps, mechanically chasing ribbons and string. The great thing about robot cats is they stay kittens forever. Maybe Q-T-Cat should have its own insta? The internet is cat crazy.

Inspector General
This old timer has been working quality control at the factory for decades. Inspector General won't be moving too fast, but he will certainly prevent any mishaps at the plant. It's unimaginable that there would be a moment when freakin' laser beams start bouncing around. Couldn't happen. Nope. Never.
Project K11
Something went horribly wrong in the labs at the robot factory. In an effort to make the most powerful robot ever, the engineers imbued this ghastly creation with the ability to sneak about. That's right. Project K11's super ability is tiptoeing. Even though it technically doesn't have toes.

Mountains move for Terraformer. No, literally. It pushes them right out of the way if it wants. Two triangular treads typically traverse tough terrain today or tomorrow, too tricky to tell.
It may look like a monster, but Sasquatch is just your friendly forest guardian. It will search for you if you can't see the forest for the trees. That built-in flashlight and special optics mean there's no hiding from this bot.

The largest and most dangrous robot of them all. A freakin' laser beam mounted to its chest, Decaton beams forth great danger and stands ready to blast other robots to bits. No worries for us humans. It only seeks out and destroys other mechs.
The holiest of robots, Monklebot provides stand-in services for any religion or belief system. It blends in by speaking over 6,500 languages of the world in perfect dialect, ready to join any robot group.

Well shiver me timbots! This wild one is willing to join any robot plunder party—for a price. It lost an eye in the great treasure hunt of Madagascar, but that doesn't stop it from continuing the hunt for booty. (Wait, it's a robot. Why can't the eye simply be replaced? The eyepatch seems a bit cliché.)
Exhibot A
One of the earliest robots, the machine formerly known as Model 30T now resides in the halls of the Mechamuseum. Exhibot A shows all visitors the path to bigger, cuter and fancier robots. Nothing too fancy about this hunk of tin, but the memories. Such pleasant memories.

It may look like a simple robot, but Pinchertin is so much more. It is a very reliable bot that will always come through... in a pinch. Loyal to the core until it says something like, "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."